febbraio 23 , 2017 Odette

Vivienne Westwood

Hallo my students, today I would like to propose to you the reading of this article about a very famous fashion designer, 100% British. I'm talking about Vivienne Westwood. Enjoy it 🙂 Vivienne Isabel Westwood is a British fashion designer and businesswoman, largely [...]
novembre 24 , 2016 Odette

Thanksgiving Day

Hallo my students! This text is about a very important celebration in the USA. Let's see something about its origins and traditions and how it is celebrated. Maybe we can find an important message in it, because everyone must be [...]
settembre 27 , 2016 Odette

Have vs Have got

Ciao ragazzi, oggi studieremo la differenza nell'uso del verbo HAVE ed HAVE GOT, in particolare come si differenziano nel British English e nell'American English. Ricordate che in inglese questo verbo può: Indicare possesso oppure relazione familiare: corrisponde al verbo “avere”; essere [...]
marzo 6 , 2016 Odette

A tour around London

Hallo guys, are you ready for our tour around the amazing city of London? This is a mini guide of the places that we are going to visit there. Enjoy your Tour! The Pleasance is an independent theatre in north [...]
gennaio 30 , 2016 Odette

Is your English a bit rusty?

Is your English a bit rusty? Here are 10 top tips to improve your english or any other second language Learning English doesn’t always have to mean sitting in the classroom and studying tricky grammar. In fact, English language teachers encourage [...]
gennaio 9 , 2016 Odette

Destination USA

Hallo everybody, oggi vi propongo un interessantissimo video documentario realizzato come lavoro di gruppo dagli studenti della 5G Liceo Farnesina. Quando l’impegno si fonde con la creatività e la voglia di imparare divertendosi, questi sono i risultati. Questo lavoro rispecchia [...]
luglio 18 , 2015 Odette

Hamlet Group Work

Salve a tutti, oggi vi propongo dei lavori di gruppo che hanno svolto i miei studenti della 3B Liceo Farnesina Roma. L'idea era quella di studiare Shakespeare in modo differente e più creativo e questi sono gli splendidi risultati che [...]
maggio 10 , 2015 Odette No Comments

New Year’s Eve

All People throughout the world celebrate the arrival of the New Year in different ways. As this theme is common to all cultures, it will allow a cross cultural comparison. I hope that this article will help you to appreciate [...]
aprile 14 , 2015 Odette No Comments

Hamlet meets the Ghost

In this movie clip the Ghost of the late king of Denmark, Hamlet's father, appears to his son to tell him the truth about his death and to ask Hamlet to revenge his murder. Very interesting for our next lesson.
marzo 20 , 2015 Odette

Roma vs Lazio

Salve ragazzi, volevo proporvi un brano molto simpatico tratto dal romanzo di Elizabeth Gilbert “Eat, Pray, Love”. Qui l’autrice, che a quel tempo viveva a Roma, assiste al derby Roma vs Lazio allo stadio Olimpico e descrive, un pò incredula

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marzo 10 , 2015 Odette No Comments

Romeo and Juliet

Here is a short video which is a funny version of Romeo & Juliet story. Watch the video and express your opinion answering the questions: “Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?” “Where did you meet him /

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