Studenti Next-Gen

Ciao ragazzi, in questo articolo vi propongo di studiare in un modo diverso e più innovativo, buona lettura a tutti!

The use of the Network can lead to a real cultural revolution that starts from  the school.

For those who have already finished the school courses or that are still dipped into, there’s no hope of a sudden updating of the school programmes. They have no other choice but to be self-taught students.

Internet isn’t snobby at all and proves to be easy to handle and full of ideas also for those who are beginners or a little more “advanced” in years.

So through video and audio tracks you can try to go deeper into topics and themes directly on the network, trying to have fun and learn at the same time. It will be a cultural enrichment.
Now it’s becoming even more necessary to replace the traditional paper books with the newest educational instruments and interactive tools such as mp3, pdf documents, online forums, social netwoks, video, e-learning platforms and websites.

This would give more space to technology in the educational system,  allowing the saving of paper, the reduction of costs for teachers and students, by using instruments now considered familiar and useful.

Teachers should adapt to this “School Revolution”,  getting used to the new digital world. They can for example exchange information through interactive lessons and teach on-line. All that I am saying is already applied as Web 2.0.

I think that in Italy we should update on these issues and be open to these innovative and revolutionary educational methods.
For the students the task will be to share and read documents available online, and to form study groups on social networks and websites.

I consider there is so much to discover about this digital world and learning other languages can open new roads on a working, cultural and communicative level.
Have a happy reading and nice study.
Odette Russo.

Non esitate a contattarmi se ne avete bisogno d'imparare le lingue straniere.
Inglese e Tedesco

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